National Youth Council of CHADEMA (Bavicha) said the police force has responsibility constitutionally to defend their operation Union against Dictatorship Tanzania (UKUTA) Bavicha said that the police army will be working constitutionally their responsibility to cooperate to achieve Chadema’s demonstrations that will take place throughout the country in September 01. The police force should not be involved to campaign CCM in order to squeeze and control their demonstrations. Bavicha states that there some leaders of CCM with bad intentions who are spreading campaign that the protests are provocative. "It is not true that the UKUTA is the frustrative, those who say that, they aimed to adopt their agenda of polluting the party with transplant hate to citizens against Chadema," said Pastrobas Katambi,the chair person of Bavicha Also the heads of districts and regions are responsible for implementing the law and the constitution; therefore, they have to defend them. Their weakness is to appoint authority officers, to appoint publishers of the party to be chairmen of committees of defense and security in their areas. That pushed the country to serve the political will rather than comply the law. Katambi said Bavicha is well organized to protect leaders of the party not to be arrested by police as the police force determined to do that before the day of protest.
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