Vodacom supporting editorial visit Nairobi

Visit the training organized by the Association of Sports Journalists of Tanzania (TASWA) in collaboration with the Association of Sports Journalists Kenya (SJAK), where 30 editors from various media organs in the country will participate.
"Vodacom Tanzania we support the efforts of TASWA in capacity building editors of news, sports and we believe they will learn a lot from each other and will come to apply these in their instruments of information and help also authors branch of sports news," said Materu.
He said his company has offered 6 million shillings / - achieving the tour and also will provide a special vest that editors must be upon them while they were there.
For his part, Vice Chairman of TASWA, Egbert crust, Vodacom Tanzania thanked for their sponsorship and apply for another company zisaidie backing.
"Vodacom Tanzania exhibited are our blood brothers, despite our requests to them a short time, but have tuchangia enough. Our budget is still too big for this visit, Gates is open for others to help us, "said Koko, who also is an assistant lecturer of the School of Journalism and Communication to the Public (SJMC) of the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM).
According to the mangroves in the visit, the editors of the sports news of Tanzania will have the opportunity to visit various media organs of Kenya and exchange ideas with their counterparts in Kenya related to their performance.
He also said there will be a symposium organized by SJAK in Nairobi and entail reiterated from the International Association of Journalists Sports (AIPS) with its headquarters Lausanne, Switzerland, which among other things shall debate the importance of the press in kupromoti games.
"TASWA believes this is an important visit to the editors of the sports news in the country and will help improve their performance," said Koko, adding that they will also share sports editors and their counterparts in Kenya.
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