Tundu Lissu,the MP of East Singida has referred to the Central Police Station in Dar es Salaam for interrogation, the police have had to work overtime, writes Shaban Matutu.
The number of police at the station was added at that time when other activities within the station were continuing not !
Initially, Lissu the lawyer of Chadema who was not known where he was because the police did not give enough information after the arrest of him yesterday evening.
Lissu has brought to the center today at 7:54 afternoon in a Land Cruser with registration number T 312 CWM away under heavy guard. He has brought at that center for an interview due to alleged statement to trigger 'dictator uchwara' yesterday when he was at kisutu in the Resident Magistrate's Court .He went to hear cases involving inflammatory statements of his original 'uchwara dictator'.
Whe Lissu appeared at the area of the station, the police were surrounding the area amid tight security with firearms.
Soldiers who were there would have been removed citizens and the journalists who had been observing events in the area.
Freeman Mbowe, Chairman of the National Chadema came to the center around ten, however, was prevented from entering inside.
At 4:02 Isaiah Mwita, Mayor of the City of Dar es Salaam at the center and a car with registration number 10584 SM where he was allowed to go inside to see who interviewed Lissu.
Lissu still keeps interviewed ...
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