Bi. Zainab R. Telack fills the post left vacant by former Shinyanga Regional Commissioner Ms. Anna Kilango Malecela whose appointment was impeached.
The President has also appointed Dr Magufuli.
Binilith Satano Mahenge be Ruvuma Regional Commissioner.
Dr. Binilith Satano Mahenge fills the post left vacant by former Ruvuma Regional Commissioner Mr. Said Thabit Mwambungu who has been transferred to the Office of the
Prime Minister Dar es Salaam, where he posted to other duties.
In addition, the President has appointed Dkt.Charles Magufuli F. Mlingwa be Mara Regional Commissioner.
Dr. Charles F. Mlingwa fills the post left vacant by Mr. Stanislaus Magesa Mulongo whose appointment has been undone.
Heads of regions newly elected will sworn in on June 29, 2016 three
o'clock morning White House in Dar es Salaam and immediately after the
inauguration will take the oath of moral leadership.
Meanwhile, the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Dr. John Beer Magufuli today on June 26, 2016 has made the selection of Heads of District 139.
Chief Secretary Ambassador John Kijazi said the President in the
appointment Magufuli has considered a number of factors including the
age where they age for those who are over 60 years has decided to
In this appointment, the District Commissioners were present who have
remained in their positions is 39. Also Magufuli President has appointed
the Executive Directors of the Board 22 District Commissioners have
given their good performance.
In addition, 78 positions selection of heads of district filled with
other Tanzanians who have been appointed for the first time many of them
are young, with enough knowledge and experience in different areas.
Elected to be the chief of the district are as follows (List planned according to regions)
ARUSHAArusha - Doubts Mrisho GamboArumeru - Alexander Pastory sensitivityNgorongoro - Rashid Mfaume TakaLongido - Daniel Geoffrey ChongoloMonduli - Idd Hassan KimantaKaratu - Therezia Jonathan Bribery
DAR ES SALAAMKinondoni - Ally HAPIIlala - Sophia MjemaTemeke - Felix Jackson LyavivaKigamboni - Hashim Shaibu MgandilwaCognitive - Slowly Humphrey Hamphrey
DODOMAChamwino - Justine Vumilia NyamogaDodoma - Christina Solomon MndemeChamber - Simon Ezekiel OdungaKondoa - Sezeria Veneranda MakuttaBahi - Elizabeth SimonDMP - Jabir Mussa ShekimweliYoke - John Ernest Platform
GEITABukombe - Josephat MagangaMbogwe - Matha John MkupasiNyang'wale - Hamim Buzohera GwiyamaGeita - Herman C. KipufiChato - Shaaban Athuman Ntarambe
IRINGAMufindi - David William RepublicKilolo - Asia Juma AbdallahIringa - Richard Kasesela
KAGERABiharamulo - Saada Abraham MallundeKaragwe - Geoffrey Muheluka AyoubMuleba - Richard Henry RuyangoKyerwa - Shaban Ilangu LissuBukoba - Deodatus Lucas KinawiloNgara - Colonel Michael M. MtenjeleMissenyi - Colonel Denis F. Mwila
KataviMlele - Rachiel Stephano KasandaMpanda - Lilian Charles MatingaTanganyika - Saleh Mbwana Mhando
KigomaKigoma - Samson Renard AtmosphereKasulu - Martin Elia reflectionKakonko - Hosea Malonda DagalaUvinza - Mwanamvua Hoza MlindokoBuhigwe - Elisha Marco GagistiKibondo - Luis Peter Bura
KILIMANJAROFitness - Onesimus BusweluMoshi - PPI WariobaLight - Aaron Yeseya MmbagoRombo - Fatma Hassan ToufiqHai - Gelasius ByakanwaSame - Rosemary Senyamule Sitaki
LINDINachingwea - Jump Akhibu MuwangoRuangwa - Joseph Joseph MkirikitiLiwale - Sarah Vicent ChiwambaLindi - Shaibu Issa NdemangaKilwa - Christopher Emil Ngubiagai
MANYARABabati - Raymond H. MushiMbulu - Chelestion Simba M. MofunguHanang '- Sara traveler AllyKiteto - Hope Benson GessaSimanjiro - Zephaniah Adriano Aula
MARARorya - Simon K. ChachaSerengeti - Emile Jotham NtakamulengaBunda - Lydia Simeon BupilipiliButiama - Anarose NyamubiTarime - Glorious Benard LuogaMusoma - Vicent Vianney Naano
MbeyaChunya - Mercy Manase DusaKyela - Claudia Undalusyege KittaMbeya - William Ntinika PaulRungwe - Chalya Julius NyangiduMbarali - Reuben Ndiza Mifune
MOROGOROGairo - Siriel Shaid MchembeKilombero - James Mugendi IhunyoMvomero - Mohamed Mussa VitaliMorogoro - Regina Reginald ChonjoTalc - Kassema Jacob JosephKilosa - Adam Idd MgoyiMalinyi - Jula Teko Kasika
MTWARANewala - Aziza Ally MangosongoNanyumbu - Joakim WangaboMtwara - Khatib tongue KazunguMasasi - Mzee Selemani SelemaniTandahimba - Sebastian M. Lyuba
MWANZAIlemela - Leonard Moses MassaleKwimba - Traveler King SimeonSengerema - Emmanuel Enock poleNyamagana - Mary Tesha OnesimusMagu - Rashid Hadija NyemboUkerewe - Estomihn Francis Chang'ahMisungwi - Juma Sweda
NJOMBENjombe - Ruth Blasio MsafiriLudewa - Andrea Awesso TsereWanging'ombe - Ally Mohamed KassigeMakete - Veronica Kessy
COASTBagamoyo - Majid Hemed LightMkuranga - Filbert H. SangaRufiji - Juma Abdallah NjwayoMafia - Shaibu Ahamed NundumaKibaha - Asumpter Sunju ShamaKisarawe - Happyness Seneda WilliamKibiti - Gulamu Hussein Shaban endowment
RukwaSumbawanga - Khalfan Boniface HauleNkasi - Said Mohamed bedKalambo - Julieth Nkembanyi Binyura
RUVUMANamtumbo - Luckness Adrian AmlimaMbinga - Cosmas Yano NshenyeNyasa - Octava Isabera ChilumbaTunduru - Juma HomelaSongea - Polet scraping Kamando
SHINYANGAKishapu - Nyambonga David TarabaKahama - Loving NkuluShinyanga - Josephine Rabby Tyre
SimiyuBusega - Five Seif MweraMaswa - Sefu Abdallah ShekalagheBariadi - Festo Sheimu KiswagaMeatu - Joseph Eliezer ChilonganiItilima - Benson Saleh Langi
SINGIDAKalama - Jackson Jonas MasakoManyoni - Mwembe Idephonce GeofreySingida - Choro John Elias TarimoIkungi - Think Avias SaidLick - Emmanuel Tuesday Luhahula
SongweSongwe - Samuel JeremiahIleje - Joseph Modest MkudeMbozi - Ally Masoud MaswanyaMomba - Juma Said Irando
TABORANzega - Geoffrey William NgudulaKaliua - Busalama Abel YejiIgunga - Mwaipopo John GabrielSikonge - Peres Boniphace herniaTabora - Queen Mwashinga AlmondUrambo - Angelina John role modelUyui - Gabriel Simon Mnyele
TANGATanga - Thobias MwilapwaMuheza - Mwanaisha Rajab StomachMkinga - Jonah Lucas MakiPangani - Zainab Abdallah IssaHandeni - Godwin Gondwe CrydonKorogwe - Robert GabrielKilindi - Sauda Salum ThimbleLushoto - January Cigarette Lugangika.
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