We are tired to tolerate! It is a statement of the leaders of the Party for Democracy and Development (Chadema) after claiming to be lawbreakers daily by the Government of President John Magufuli, writes Pendo Omary.Chadema has released the statement today in front of journalists in Dar es Salaam, after retired Judge Salome Kaganda who is the Ethics Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer of the Secretariat of ethics of public leaders to write letters to party officials, she accused them of "violating the terms of Certificate of Pledge Integrity of Public Officials. "Judge Kaganda wrote a letter to leaders of that party dated 4 this month where Chadema had asked the secretariat of conduct of public officials to stop threats to the leaders of the party. The letters were written to Chairman of Chadema, Freeman Mbowe and Tindu Lissu, the Attorney General of the party.
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