President Dr. John Magufuli, now has turned to make operation of boils in Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), while sending greetings to the leaders of the party at the national level, regions, districts, wards and branches.He said right now in CCM mischief have no chance and wants to put it back the party on the basis of justice and discipline, as in the days of Father of the Nation, Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere. He gave that statement yesterday in Mwanza, He was addressing hundreds of people at the Stadium of Furahisha, where he said to ensure discipline returns within the party, all the property of the party will be audited so that its income can be known and will not let the few leaders dominate them by using for their own interests privately.President Magufuli, said he did not encourage citizens to be disciplined while his party does not have the discipline. He will make sure the discipline recovered.
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