MP, RC to mess

Stanislaus Mabula, Member of the State of Nyamagana in Mwanza and John Mongella, the head of the region are to .July 4 this year, when he made the chiefs Mongella new seven districts of the province, had ordered Marry Tesha, General Machinga District Nyamagana oust from the center of the city before August first of this year.
Mongella who zamilia remove the vendors who for long have been removed and return to the center of the city, claimed to have been planning their business to the doors of the people that they should leave.
Mabula speaking yesterday with traders Machinga when awarding various sanitary facilities, said there have been reports in Machinga kuwatimuwa would sit down and make concessions.
He said that will not be willing to see them driven out in Machinga without the consensus of both sides for the government and businesses to look at how they are allocated places that are friendly to their operations.
"I came here with two things, first is to hand over these next sanitary facilities but I have come to tell you that, keep doing your business.
"I know I have no Machinga ekataa leave a city center location but must be agents who were sent a friend," said Mabula.
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