One day since Professor Ibrahim Lipumba, who was chairman of
the Association of Men (CUF) national, complained the act of the Supreme
Council of Leadership to suspend his membership, Leticia Mosore who were the
former vice chairperson of NCCR Evolution, even herself cried of her party,
saying, 'they oppressing me', writes Pendo Omary.
August 11 this year, NCCR Reform announced to suspend her
membership and leadership of that woman. Leticia is remembered as one of the
leaders of the NCCR were meeting and journalists last year to resist
integration of associations that known as UKAWA. The letter to suspend Leticia reads, "the Party of
NCCR evaluation Mageuzi met in its
session of the National Executive Committee of normal on July 16, 2016, Despite
of other things, you are suspended your
leadership and membership."
Speaking to journalists in Dar es Salaam today, Mosore said
the letter Ref. NCCRM / KM / 15/15, has weakness because it does not explain
the reasons to stop her.
"James Mbatia (Chairman of NCCR) has violated the
Constitution Party in 1992, with a revision in 2014, Article 10 provides the
right to defend himself before the session, personally I called not on the
meeting to express and defend myself on charges that facing me," she said.
Leticia has stated that the invitation she received was a
letter to attend the meeting as a Vice Chairperson and said action was deported
against her, was once considered too against Mbatia in 2012.
"During the same period, 21 members equal to 70 percent
of the members of the Executive Board, they signed a document to reject him
because of squeezing the party, but Mbatia was given 14 days to defend himself.
Why me, I have not given that opportunity, "said Leticia.
However, MwanaHALISI online has seen the letter of
suspension from Leticia Mosore, which concluded by saying, "In addition,
you have a constitutional right to appeal within the party sessions."
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Chapisha Maoni